Certified Level | Licensed Level | Ordained Level |
112 Life of Christ | 211 Old Testament Survey | 311 Pentateuch |
113 Acts | 212 New Testament Survey | 312 Psalms |
114 Ephesians | 213 Romans | 314 Corinthians |
121 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine | 223 Eschatology | 322 Theology of Prayer |
122 AG History, Missions, Governance | 230 Systematic Theology | 324 Theology of Worship |
133 Local Church Evangelism | 231 Introduction to Homiletics | 331 Multicultural Ministry |
134 Ministerial Ethics | 232 Leadership Skills | 332 Pastoral Ministry |
136 Hermeneutics I | 233 Conflict Resolution | 334 Church Administration, Law, Finance |
137 Hermeneutics II | 234 Introduction to Missions | 350 Ordained Internship |
150 Certified Internship | 250 Licensed Internship |
For information on the credential application procedure for the Minnesota District Council, refer to the Minnesota District website page and Policy Manual. Annette Junak is the Credential Coordinator for the Minnesota District. She can be reached at (612) 332-2400 or ajunak@mnaog.org.
See the Minnesota District Councils website page on credentials and the Policy Manual. Contact Sue Adams at (612) 332-2400 or sadams@mnaog.org.