Internships for those seeking credentials with the Assemblies of God

  • How long does an internship take?

Internships are required at all three levels of credentialing — Certified, Licensed, and Ordained. MNSOM offers a Combined Internship (certified and licensed together) and an Ordination Practicum (ordained level 3). They are a practical, hands-on ministry experience normally supervised by the intern’s home church pastor.  Because the internship prayer journal requires six months to complete, the internship is a minimum of six months, but we recommend 12 months for those completing the Combined Certified and Licensed Internship. Interns have up to 2 years to complete their internship requirements.

  • What does it cost and how do I register?

The cost for your Internship is a one-time registration fee of $99 per level paid to MNSOM and a recommended honorarium to your Mentor of $100. A book will also be assigned and that is a separate cost. You can register on the Class Registration page.

  • When do I start my internship?

Think about starting your internship when you have completed 4-5 classes. There is a six-month minimum for an internship so it must therefore be started before June 1 in order to complete the requirements by November 30 to receive credentials in the following year. Since level 1 and 2 internships are now Combined, we recommend closer to 12 months, so you would start November of the year before you finish classes.

  • What if I or my current spouse have a divorce in our background?

Before registering for an internship, you will need to have a pre-screening phone call with the Credentials Coordinator to see if your divorce(s) will most likely be approved by general council. You will later complete a separate divorce recognition application and interview. Call the office ask ask for Credentialing to schedule your Pre-Interview Phone Call. MNSOM must receive your approval by the Credentialing Coordinator before you can pay to register for the internship.

  • When do I apply for credentials?

In the Minnesota District Council of the Assemblies of God (MDC), the Pre-Application for credentials can be submitted anytime after January 1st of the year you are applying. All supporting documents then for the full credential application are due October 1 each year. If there is divorce in your past or your spouse’s, a separate application and corresponding paperwork are due by August (includes an interview). Credentials are bestowed during the District Council ceremony the following April.   More credentialing information can be found at All classes must be completed by December 31 of that year. For the full, detailed Credentialing Pathway, click here.

  • Who supervises my internship?

 Typically, the Internship mentor is your church Pastor. All Mentors must be Assemblies of God Ministers, must be ordained and needs to be approved by the MNSOM Director. A Mentor Covenant must be completed and sent for approval during the first month of internship. For approval, make a copy of the signed Mentor Covenant and return it to the  the District Office:

Scan and email (preferred):

Mailing Address:
Minnesota District of the Assemblies of God
Rev. Pam Lund-Internship Director
1315 Portland Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Students will be sent the Internship Manual and can submit assignments  on their Moodle Website after they have registered for an internship and the MNSOM staff has processed the registration.

  • What if I want to go straight through to License to Preach (Level 2)? 

The Combined Internship option covers all the requirements for both Certified and Licensed level internships so you will be prepared to apply for either Certified or Licensed credentials. The suggested time to complete is 1 year as there are almost double the requirements as an Individual level. The cost is $198 plus the recommended honorarium to your mentor of $100. It will keep you from repeating two of the internship requirements along with credentialing steps and fees and ceremony.

  • What if I would like more experience with the internship concepts?

Annually we offer an optional (but highly recommended) Propel Internship Summit in July of each year that gives hands-on, practical teaching and practice on internship topics. Please go to for more information.

  • How do I know if I have a Call to Ministry and should apply for credentials?

Ministerial credentials are for those who show a genuine call of God to ministry which would take them beyond the confines of their local church. Ministerial credentials are not for lay people engaged in teaching, worship leading, or occasional exhortation in the local assembly. It is the responsibility of the Credentials Committee to carefully screen all candidates to determine whether their ministry would be best served as a lay ministry or if the candidate should be credentialed. If you are unsure if
a credential is needed, contact the credentialing office.